I propose to consider the question,
‘Can machines think?’ This should begin with definitions
of the meaning of the terms ‘machine’ and
— A. Turing,
Computing Machinery and Intelligence, 1950.
Work through the following materials for this unit.
Chapters 1 & 2 — Unless otherwise stated, the readings are
from Russell & Norvig, AIMA.
- Describe:
- Russell & Norvig’s four-part definition of
Artificial Intelligence (AI).
- the Turing Test and the Turing machine
- When was the field of AI born and who were the founding
- Describe:
- Physical Symbol System hypothesis
- Expert Systems
- Symbolic vs. Logicist vs. Connectionist
Version Control Systems — In this course, you will use
Git/GitHub to access the code materials and to submit your
- You can refresh your understanding of these tools using
the following materials.
- CS 344 Course Code
— Follow the instructions in this repo to get
access to the course code and
to configure your own solution repo.
- Google Form for
GitHub names/IDs:
If you don’t already have one, create a Github account,
then add a repo named
and submit your
name/GitHubID using this form.
Python — the
course programming will generally be done in Python. The Linux
partition on the lab machines is configured to support this
Prerequisites and
Prework — Be familiar with the Python
features listed in the Google ML Crash Course’s
sections titled “Basic” & “Intermediate”
Python sections.
- PyCharm
Professional — To work on your own machine,
you will need to set up your own local Python virtual
environment. We suggest using Intellij/PyCharm, but any
virtual Python environment will work.
To use PyCharm, follow this Configuring
Virtualenv Environment tutorial. You
will need to request a student
license, which gives you access to the
professional versions of all Intellij products.
PyCharm supports Python/Venv, Git/GitHub,
Jupyter notebooks, and machine learning tool
You do not submit the answers to guide questions, but they may serve
as the basis for class discussion or exam questions.
Normally, the readings are due by the beginning of the first day of
each unit (see the policies page),
but for this week, complete the guide sometime this week before the
lab period.