Yak shaving is what you are doing when you’re doing some
stupid, fiddly little task that bears no obvious relationship to what
you’re supposed to be working on, but yet a chain of twelve causal
relations links what you're doing to the original meta-task. — C. Vieri, quoted by J. Brown, email communication, 2000
Production Applications using Webpack — Finish the
Building for Production:
- Compare and contrast development from production builds
using Webpack.
- Define and explain the following optimizations: occurence
order, uglification, extract text
and auto-prefixing?
PaaS using Heroku
How Heroku Works:
- Create an Heroku account.
- What does it mean to say that Heroku is a ployglot
- Define and explain the following terms:
buildpack, slug, dyno.
Getting Started on Heroku with Node.js
— Work through the first five sections, “Introduction”–“View
Logs”. The Heroku Toolbelt is already installed in the
- How does Heroku know how to configure the production
environment appropriately?
Note that we’ll be deploying our app directly through
Github rather than using the toolbelt.
The Twelve Factors
- Who specified the twelve factors?
- Compare and contrast dependencies and config.
- So far, how have we managed build,
release and run?
- What does it mean to use stateless processes
and why is that important?
Note the influence that the twelve factors had on Heroku: Architecting Applications
for Heroku.