Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability. — E.W. Dijkstra, How do we tell truths that might hurt?, 1975
  1. Build With React — Work through the “Basics / Tutorial” sections.

    1. Introduction — You can skip the “Getting Started page” link; we’ll sort out the installation in lab.
    2. JSX
      1. What is JSX and why is it used in React?
    3. Components
      1. What is the one requirement for a component?
    4. Events
      • What is event delegation and how is it used in React?
    5. State
      • Compare and contrast props and state.
    6. Under the Hood
      • Compare and contrast the Virtual DOM vs the (real) DOM.
  2. Thinking in React. — Read “Step 1” (only); this section digs a bit deeper into React components.

    1. Be clear on the nature of React components and on how they are used to construct an application.
    2. React components are composable. Do you see evidence of composability in this example? How about in the “Events” section of the Build with React tutorial above?