If you’re coming from a world where software development and cat herding are two wildly different things, you’re probably used to writing code …, packaging it up, and then shipping it off. That is not the case [in web development]. — M. Klimushyn, Web Application Architecture from 10,000 feet, 2015
  1. Introduction to the DOM — Focus on the first three sections.

    1. Describe and explain the nature and purpose of the Document-Object Model (DOM).
    2. Compare and contrast the DOM window and document objects.
    3. Review the sample code to see how JavaScript can access/modify the elements of the DOM.
  2. jQuery Basics:

    1. What is the purpose of jQuery?
    2. What is the purpose of the following jQuery features: $() and ready()
    3. Compare and contrast the process of accessing/modifying DOM elements using JavaScript (see above) and jQuery.
  3. AJAX — Focus on the first five sections, only skimming the sections on jqXHR, JSONP, and Deferreds.

    1. What is the purpose of AJAX? What do the “A” and the “X” stand for?
    2. What is the key browser-based technology on which AJAX is built?
    3. The AJAX deferred object is similar to what JavaScript feature?