Intuitive design is how we give the user new superpowers. — J. Spool Web Site Usability: A Designer’s Guide, 1998
Introduction to CSS layout
- Describe normal flow.
- Compare and contrast the following CSS layout terms/techniques:
- block vs. inline.
- float (and clear) vs. position.
- relative, absolute vs. fixed positioning.
- Compare and contrast traditional CSS layout vs. Flexbox.
Progressive web apps — Review the introductions to these guides:
“The building blocks of responsive design” & “Mobile first”
- Describe the purpose and value of:
- Responsive Design.
- Mobile First design.
Stylus — Review the main page and the “Try Stylus
Online” section (follow the “
next” links).
- Compare and contrast the roles of CSS and Stylus.
- What do they mean by “Keep things DRY”?
- Do you see any value in Stylus (or related tools such as LESS and SASS)?