Intuitive design is how we give the user new superpowers. — J. Spool Web Site Usability: A Designer’s Guide, 1998
  1. Introduction to CSS layout

    1. Describe normal flow.
    2. Compare and contrast the following CSS layout terms/techniques:
      1. block vs. inline.
      2. float (and clear) vs. position.
      3. relative, absolute vs. fixed positioning.
    3. Compare and contrast traditional CSS layout vs. Flexbox.
  2. Progressive web apps — Review the introductions to these guides: “The building blocks of responsive design” & “Mobile first”

    1. Describe the purpose and value of:
      1. Responsive Design.
      2. Mobile First design.
  3. Stylus — Review the main page and the “Try Stylus Online” section (follow the “ next” links).

    1. Compare and contrast the roles of CSS and Stylus.
    2. What do they mean by “Keep things DRY”?
    3. Do you see any value in Stylus (or related tools such as LESS and SASS)?