Node.js might be the most exciting single piece of software in the current JavaScript universe. Ryan [Dahl] received standing ovations for his talk and he really deserved it! — M. Ubl JSCONF Berlin, 2009
  1. Node.js Tutorial — Read the sections entitled “Home”–“Event Loop” & “Web Module”–“Express Framework”. Read mostly for concepts, trying things out if you want more detail. You can skip “Environment Setup” unless you want to install the system on your own machine. (nb. We suggest Installing Node.js via the package manager.)

    1. Node.js
      1. What features of Node.js make is attractive for building web servers?
      2. When is it advisable to use Node.js, for I/O-bound operations or CPU-intensive operations? Why?
    2. NPM
      1. What is the difference between NPM global and local installations.
      2. What are Node modules and how does one use them?
    3. Express
      1. What are the layers of a Web application and what does each do?
      2. Define and explain the following terms: middleware; routing; static files.

    Note that Node.js (N) and Express (E) are key components of the MEAN and MERN web-development stacks.

  2. ECMAScript compatibility table — Familiarize yourself with the JavaScript (ECMAScript) compatability of different browsers and implementations, particularly V8 and Node.