Instructor: Professor Victor Norman
Course Text:
Kurose and Ross's Computer Networking: a Top-Down Approach, 8th Edition, Pearson
Note that we will use the text book extensively
during class time, so you must be able to refer to
either a hard copy or soft copy of the current chapter of the text
during class.
Grading: Your grade in this course will be determined as follows:
A couple of things to note:
Attendance: attendance is optional. However, you will do poorly if you skip class regularly (this has been proven time and time again). If you will miss class due to illness or some other legitimate reason, you must inform me before class that you will miss class that day.
Class Rules:
Assignments / Late Assignments Policy:
Office Hours / Help outside of class: My schedule is posted here. See it to see my office hours.
If you need help with an assignment, please come ask for help. I love to help students who come to me.
Disability statement: Calvin will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students should notify the Coordinator of Services to Students with Disabilities located in Student Academic Services, HH455. Students should notify their instructors within the first two weeks of class.
Cheating: Don't. Using code from the Internet without citing it is cheating.
My disability: I am deaf on my left side. I wear a hearing aid, but it really doesn't help too
much. I appreciate students who speak loudly enough for me (and the whole class) to hear. Thanks.
This is especially true when we all have to wear masks.
We will use a teaching/learning method called Just-in-Time teaching in this class. This means that for each chapter (or sub-chapter) in the book you do the reading:
Slide Creation: from your reading reflections, I create slides to answer the questions that students asked that relate to the learning objectives. If no student asks a question about some topic, I will assume everyone understood it.
NOTE: I don't generally give any standard lectures like you may be used to getting in other classes. Some students don't like this, because without a lecture, they don't end up with a nice set of notes. It is an unfortunate downside of this teaching style.
Time Expectations:
The course is designed so that you do about 3 - 5 hours of work each week outside of class time. Much of this time should be spent in the reading and studying of the assigned readings.