For this inaugural deliverable for the team project, do the following:

In addition to the basic deliverables specified in these project specifications, we will check to see that your project management materials (e.g., Slack, Trello) are active and that the whole team is participating. For easy access, make sure that your Slack, Trello, and GitHub links are set on the Moodle teams page.

Note that your team stakeholders, specified in Moodle, will be following your work on GitHub.

Checking in

Submit this work in your team project repository and share it with us. We will grade your work according to the following criteria:

These deliverables are generally due by the beginning of the Friday lab period on the last week of their three-week iteration, but this deliverable requires that you use the GitHub repo created in the lab, so it is due at the same time as lab #3.

We’re happy to give comments on any of your project artifacts free of charge if you talk to us about them and publish updated versions before the due date/time.