The hardest single part of building a software
system is deciding precisely what to build. — F.P. Brooks, The Mythical Man
Month, 1975
Requirements Analysis
Focus on the “Overview”–“Stakeholder
interviews” & “Requirements analysis
- Compare and contrast the purpose of the analysis
and design phases?
- Who are the stakeholders of a project? Please sign
up as a stakeholder for some other project before
Friday’s lab (see the “Project Team
Stakeholders” list in our Moodle course; cf.
homework #3).
- How are requirements identified and recorded?
- What is the difference between functional and
non-functional requirements? (You’ll need to
search for this one on the wiki page.)
- What are the key issues related to requirements and
requirements elicitation?
- To what does FURPS refer?
Requirements Modeling
Modeling Language — Focus on the
introduction and the “Diagrams” section.
- What is UML?
- Compare and contrast UML’s two diagram
- Familiarize yourselves with the following diagram
- Use case
- Class
- Sequence
- Deployment
We will use these in this course, starting this week
with use-case models and continuing with the other
diagrams in later units.
Use cases(and
use case diagrams) — Focus on the introduction
& “Fowler
- What is the purpose of use case analysis.
- What are the elements of Fowler’s use cases?
- What do the actors, use cases and association links
represent in a UML use case diagram?
User stories
— Focus on the introduction,
“Format”–“Usage” &
“Comparing with use cases”.
- What is a user story?
- What is the “Five Ws” format for a user
- Compare and contrast user stories and use cases.
Re-read Postman’s article:
“Five Things We Need
to Know About Technological Change”, focusing on
the second of his ideas.
- Briefly name Postman’s five ideas.
- Describe his second idea and explain whether or not you
agree with him.
Technology Stack
React Navigation:
Getting started — Preview the first two
- “Getting started” — If you want to
work on your own machine, install React Navigation
as explained here. Otherwise, skip on to the next
- “Hello React Navigation” — Read
the first few paragraphs here, making sure that you
can compare and contrast standard hyperlink
navigation on the Web with inter-page navigation in
a ReactNative application.
We’ll build and extend this sample application in
the lab exercises.
- Using List Views
— Review the purpose and use of the
component. The extended lab
application will use this component.