Exercise 4.0

Answer the following quiz questions.

  1. What’s Brooks’s Law?
  2. List the phases of the waterfall life-cycle model (in order!).
  3. Compare/contrast XP vs. Scrum.
  4. Compare/contrast pair programming vs. programming side-by-side.
  5. Name one of N. Postman’s “things we need to know about technological change”.

Exercise 4.1

Consider these questions with respect to a sample application, e.g., the CS Department’s website.

  1. Who are the stakeholders for the application?
  2. How would you go about figuring out what the application should do?

N.b., please remember to sign up for a stakeholder team this week.

Exercise 4.2

Which of the following are legitimate requirements for the application? If legitimate, of what type is the requirement? If not legitimate, what’s the problem and how would you rewrite it as a proper requirement?

  • The application must be built in JavaScript.
  • The application should use indexed data structures for speed.
  • A user must login before using the application.
  • The application must be usable.
  • The application shouldn’t crash.
  • The application shall run on both Android and iPhone.
  • The application should change the world for the better.

Exercise 4.3

For the CS Department website, all stakeholders should be able to view the public webpages, but some stakeholders should be able to control the web content using a Content Management System (CMS). Specify these requirements by creating:

  • a use case diagram (or diagrams).
  • a user story (or stories).

Which of these approaches is more compatible with agile development practices? Which should we use for our team project and how should we integrate it into our process?

Exercise 4.4

What was Postman’s second idea and do you agree with it?