Course Policies: CS 232: Operating Systems and Networking at Calvin University

CS 232 introduces students to the basic problems that operating systems and networks must solve, and common techniques for solving them.

Instructor: Professor Victor Norman

Optional Resources: For sale in the bookstore...

Grading. Your grade in this course will be based upon the number of points you earn on the following:
Programming Assignments 55%
Test 1 10%
Test 2 15%
Final Exam 20%

Note that I do not guarantee that 90% or higher is automatically an A, 80% or higher is a B, etc. I reserve the right to make the divisions between final letter grades whereever I feel best represents the work that students have done.

Course Organization. This course consists of two components:

  1. POGIL exercises, lectures, and tests, that emphasize the principles and concepts that underly operating systems; and
  2. The projects that provide practical, hands-on experience in systems programming.

By presenting both of these aspects of operating systems in a single course, the theoretical and practical aspects will supplement each other, leading to a deeper appreciation of each.

Late Work Policy: Each exercise and project will have a Due date associated with it. This is the date by which you should submit your work in order to avoid falling behind in the course. A penalty of 10% is assessed for each day late after the due date.

No work will be accepted after the last day of classes.

An Incomplete (IC) grade will be granted only in unusual circumstances, and only if those circumstances have been verified by the Student Life Office. Procrastination does not qualify as an unusual circumstance.

Honesty. Tests, homework assignments, and projects are to be done individually, and must consist of your own original work. You may discuss ideas about homework assignments, but you are not to look at anyone else's code. Submitting the work of one of your classmate's as your own (even with their knowledge) is academic fraud; and any detected duplication of work will be dealt with in accordance with Calvin's policies on Academic Honesty. Likewise, giving another person your work to hand in as their own constitutes academic fraud and may result in a failing grade (F) for both parties.

In general, you should expect to spend at least 2 hours outside of class for every hour you spend in class, in programming, and studying your notes.

Note that most of the assignments are programming assignments. It is expected that you will know, or be able to quickly learn, to program in the language used for that assignment. These languages are: Python, C, C++, and possibly bash or Java.

Attendance: I expect you to attend class in person whenever class is in session. If you are ill and cannot make it to class, please let me know before class starts. In general, I will not be recording class and posting on MS Teams.

Classroom Dynamics: Please feel free to ask questions whenever something is unclear.

The only stupid question is the one not asked.

If you have a question, the odds are good that someone else does, too! So when something doesn't make sense, please ask a question. By doing so, you can help resolve everyone's confusion.

Laptop use is not allowed, except by special permission. This is due to a few studies that show that when someone uses a laptop in class, the grades of the people around them go down more than their grade goes down.

Cell phone usage in class is strictly prohibited.
No texting!

To summarize in 4 words: No phones, no laptops.

Disabilities: Calvin College will make reasonable accomodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students should notify a Coordinator of Services to Students with Disabilities located in Student Academic Services, HH455. Students should notify their instructors within the first two weeks of class.

My disability: I am deaf on my left side. I wear a hearing aid, but it really doesn't help too much, especially with everyone wearing masks. I appreciate students who speak loudly enough for me (and the whole class) to hear. Thanks.

Calvin > CS > 232 > Course Policies

This page maintained by Victor Norman.