Do this...
Create a test-case class named
You should be familiar with mathematical functions, such as the
square root of a number or the sine of an angle. In Java, a
mathematical function is implemented as a method.
The most common and useful mathemtical functions can be found in
the Math
class, provided by standard Java.
Method | Description |
abs(x) |
Absolute value of x |
sin(x) |
Sine of x (in radians) |
cos(x) |
Cosine of x (in radians) |
tan(x) |
Tangent of x (in radians) |
asin(x) |
Inverse sine of x (in radians) |
acos(x) |
Inverse cosine of x (in radians) |
atan(x) |
Inverse tangent of x (in radians) |
log(x) |
Natural logarithm (base e) of x |
pow(x,y) |
x raised to power y |
exp(x) |
The constant e raised to the power x |
sqrt(x) |
Square root of x |
ceil(x) |
Smallest integer not less than x |
floor(x) |
Largest integer not greater than x |
round(x) |
Closest integer to x |
min(x,y) |
Minimum of x and y |
max(x,y) |
Maximum of x and y |
In each of these methods, the arguments x
are integer or real numbers (i.e.,
In addition to methods, the Math
class declares
constants, one for the value pi,
, and one for the Euler number,
. We will look at constants in more detail in
another experiment.
To invoke a method, use the name of the class it belongs to as well as its name. For example, this expression computes the sine of pi:
We could then test the result like so:
Do this...
Create a test method in Experiment09Test
, and add this statement:
assertEquals("sin of pi", 0.0, Math.sin(Math.PI), 1e-3);
Try some more methods:
Do this...
Write assert statements in testMath()
to test these
Compile and run for a green bar. It's easiest if you work on one computation at a time.
Java also provides a module containing a rich assortment of
character-manipulating methods contained in the class
. The methods provided by this module
Method | Description |
toUpperCase(ch) |
returns the uppercase equivalent of ch if
ch is lowercase, otherwise it just returns
ch |
toLowerCase(ch) |
returns the lowercase equivalent of ch if
ch is uppercase, otherwise it just returns
ch |
isUpperCase(ch) |
returns true if and only if ch is one of
'A' through 'Z' |
isLowerCase(ch) |
returns true if and only if ch is one of
'a' through 'z' |
isDigit(ch) |
returns true if and only if ch is one of
'0' through '9' |
isLetter(ch) |
returns true if and only if ch is one of
'A' through 'Z' or 'a'
through 'z' |
isWhitespace(ch) |
returns true if and only if ch is a white-space
character (i.e., a space, a tab, a newline, a formfeed, a cariage
return, or a vertical tab) |
The argument ch
in these methods is a character
) value. Note that ch
can be
any character, even if the method doesn't quite make sense
for some characters. For example, you can compute the
lowercase equivalent of the period character, '.'
Do this...
Create a test method in Experiment09Test
, and add these assertions:
assertEquals("lowercase of 'A'", 'a', Character.toLowerCase('A')); assertEquals("lowercase of 'a'", 'a', Character.toLowerCase('a')); assertEquals("lowercase of '.'", '.', Character.toLowerCase('.'));
Do this...
Add more assertions to prove your understand of any three other
methods from the Character
class. Be sure to test each
method two or three times with a variety of values.
The point of these lists is not to give your instructor fodder for a quiz or test. Memorization is not the point. You should, however, be familiar with what's available (that might be fair game for a quiz!). When asked to solve a problem, you should be aware of these libraries so that you can use them to solve your problem. You don't want to waste your time reinventing the wheel.
constant, invoke a method, method