Community and Commitments
- CORE 100 - Community and Commitments
- HNRS 100 - Community and Commitments in Literature (also in
Humanities: Literature)
Foundations of Christianity
- HNRS 103 - Foundations in Biblical Literature and Theology
- REL 121 - Biblical Literature and Theology
- REL 131 - Christian Theology
Foundations of Christianity
- ENGL 250 - Literature of Faith
- HIST 264 - The Reformation in Historical Context (1500-1700)
- HNRS 203 - Intermediate Studies in Biblical Literature and
- PHIL 224 - Glittering Vices
- PHIL 234 - Augustine’s Confessions
- PHIL 251 - Legacies of Thought: Ancient Philosophy & Medieval
- PHIL 252 - The Christian Foundations of Modernity
- PHIL 293 - God, Freedom, and Evil
- POLS 306 - God, Humanity, and the State
- REL 211 - From Creation to Promised Land
- REL 212 - From Conquest to Exile
- REL 213 - Psalms and Wisdom Literature
- REL 214 - Prophets
- REL 221 - Jesus in the Gospels and Acts
- REL 222 - The Gospel and Letters of John
- REL 223 - Paul’s Letters
- REL 224 - Revelation and General Letters
- REL 230 - Revelation and Knowledge of God
- REL 231 - The Triune God
- REL 232 - Creation and Humanity
- REL 233 - Christ and Reconciliation
- REL 234 - Holy Spirit and Church
- REL 235 - The Christian Hope
- REL 237 - Christian Worship
- REL 243 - Theology: From the Early Church through the Middle
- REL 244 - Theology: From the Reformation to the Present
- REL 251 - Christianity and Religious Plurality
Foundational Writing
- ENGL 101 - Written Rhetoric
- ENGL 100/102 - Enhanced Written Rhetoric I-II
Health and Movement
Personal Fitness
- PER 101 - Jogging and Road Racing
- PER 102 - Nordic Walking
- PER 106 - Cardio Cross Training
- PER 107 - Strength and Conditioning
- PER 108 - Aquatic Fitness
- PER 112 - Special Topics in Personal Fitness
Leisure, Sport, and Skills
- KIN 223 - Educational Health, Movement, and Dance
- PER 125 - Swim II
- PER 130 - Women’s Self Defense
- PER 132 - Golf Level I
- PER 133 - Golf Level II
- PER 137 - Bowling
- PER 138 - Wilderness Pursuits
- PER 140 - Special Topics: Lifetime & Leisure
- PER 141 - Rock Climbing I
- PER 144 - Frisbee
- PER 173 - Basketball
- PER 174 - Volleyball Level I
- PER 175 - Volleyball Level II
- PER 177 - Slow Pitch Softball
- PER 180 - Badminton Level I
- PER 181 - Badminton Level II
- PER 182 - Tennis Level I
- PER 183 - Tennis Level II
- PER 185 - Soccer
World Languages I
- CHIN 102 - Elementary Chinese II
- DUTC 102 - Elementary Dutch II
- FREN 102 - Elementary French II
- FREN 112 - Multisensory Structured French II
- FREN 150 - Accelerated Elementary French
- GERM 102 - Elementary German II
- GERM 121 - Introductory German
- JAPN 102 - Elementary Japanese II
- KOR 102 - Elementary Korean II
- LATN 102 - Elementary Latin II
- SPAN 102 - Elementary Spanish
- SPAN 150 - Accelerated Elementary Spanish
World Languages II
- CHIN 201 - Intermediate Chinese I
- CHIN 202 - Intermediate Chinese II
- DUTC 201 - Intermediate Dutch I
- DUTC 202 - Intermediate Dutch II
- FREN 201 - Intermediate French I
- FREN 202 - Intermediate French II (also in Global Regions
and Cultures)
- FREN 203 - Advanced Intermediate French
- FREN 301 - Advanced Conversation (also in Environmental
Sustainability, Global Regions and Cultures)
- GERM 201 - Intermediate German I
- GERM 202 - Intermediate German II (also in Global Regions
and Cultures)
- GERM 301 - Advanced German Language and Culture (also in
Global Regions and Cultures)
- JAPN 201 - Intermediate Japanese I
- JAPN 202 - Intermediate Japanese II
- KOR 201 - Intermediate Korean I
- KOR 202 - Intermediate Korean II
- SPAN 201 - Intermediate Spanish I
- SPAN 202 - Intermediate Spanish II (also in Global Regions
and Cultures)
- SPAN 301 - Advanced Grammar, Composition and Conversation I
Arts, Oral Rhetoric, Visual
Arts Education
- EDUC 210 - Music and Art in the Elementary Classroom
Creative Writing
- COMM 248 - Screenwriting
- ENGL 260 - The Craft of Writing
- ENGL 360 - Creative Writing: Nonfiction
Oral and Visual Rhetoric
- ART 153 - Visual Culture
- COMM 101 - Oral Rhetoric
- COMM 141 - Visual Rhetoric (also in Diversity and
- COMM 200 - Advanced Oral Rhetoric
- HNRS 209 - Rhetoric in Society (also in Social and
Behavioral Sciences: Sociology and Social Work)
- IDIS 102 - Oral Rhetoric for Engineers
Visual Arts
- ARTH 121 - Late Medieval Art, 1250-1400
- ARTH 131 - Renaissance and Baroque Europe, 1400-1700
- ARTH 133 - 18th- and 19th-Century European Art
- ARTH 141 - Modern Art, 1900-1960
- ARTH 151 - Contemporary Art, 1960-2020
- ARTH 241 - Chinese Art History (also in Global Regions and
- ARTH 243 - Japanese Art History (also in Global Regions and
- ARTS 250 - Introduction to Drawing
- ARTS 251 - Introduction to Painting
- ARTS 254 - Introduction to Graphic Design
- ARTS 256 - Introduction to Photography
- ARTS 258 - Introduction to Ceramics
- COMM 145 - Introduction to Film and Media
- COMM 180 - Communicating with Digital Media
- COMM 190 - Media Production I
- COMM 255 - Documentary Film and Television
- CSEM 301 - Arts in the City
- HNRS 213 - Honors Performing Arts
- MUSC 100 - Music Theory I: Fundamentals in Global Context
- MUSC 103 - Understanding and Enjoying Music
- MUSC 106 - American Music
- MUSC 107 - World Music
- MUSC 117 - Jazz Band
- MUSC 131 - Campus Choir
- MUSC 141 - Capella
- MUSC 151 - Symphonic Band
- MUSC 161 - Wind Ensemble
- MUSC 171 - Orchestra
- MUSC 182 - Gospel Choir
- MUSC 191 - Women’s Chorale
- MUSC 203 - Popular Music (also in Diversity and
- MUSC 236 - Music in Worship
- THTR 120 - Calvin Theatre Company
- THTR 203 - Introduction to Performance Studies
- CLAS 211 - Classical Literature
- CLAS 231 - Classical Mythology
- HIST 151 - History of the West and the World I
- HIST 152 - History of the West and the World II
- HIST 153 - Explorations in World History
- HIST 225 - England
- HIST 229 - Seminar in United States History
- HIST 233 - Modern Middle East (also in Global Regions and
- HIST 242 - Africa and the World (also in Global Regions and
- HIST 245 - East Asia to 1800 (also in Global Regions and
- HIST 251 - Early America
- HIST 252 - America from Republic to Empire
- HIST 253 - Recent America
- HIST 255 - African-American History (also in Diversity and
- HIST 256 - Women and Gender in US History (also in Diversity
and Difference)
- HIST 258 - U.S. Military History
- HIST 259 - American Economic & Business History
- HIST 261 - Ancient Mediterranean
- HIST 262 - Early Medieval Worlds, 300-1000
- HIST 263 - Medieval and Renaissance Europe, 1000-1500
- HIST 267 - Modern Europe
- HIST 271 - War and Society
- HIST 274 - Environmental History (also in Environmental
- HIST 280 - Introduction to Archaeology (also in
Environmental Sustainability)
- IDIS 206 - Introduction to Medieval Studies
- IDIS 210 - Introduction to Digital Humanities
- IDIS 240 - Introduction to Archaeology (also in
Environmental Sustainability)
- HNRS 100 - Community and Commitments in Literature (also in
Community and Commitments)
- ENGL 200 - Introduction to Global Literature (some
sections also in Global Regions and Cultures (see
- ENGL 205 - Special Topics (some sections also in
Diversity and Difference (see Workday!))
- ENGL 210 - Introduction to Early British Literature
- ENGL 215 - Introduction to Later British Literature
- ENGL 220 - Introduction to American Literature (some
sections also in Diversity and Difference (see
- ENGL 230 - Introduction to Genre
- ENGL 235 - Major Text
- ENGL 300 - Advanced Studies in Global Literature (also in
Global Regions and Cultures)
- ENGL 305 - Advanced Special Topics (some sections
also in Environmental Sustainability (see Workday!))
- ENGL 310 - Advanced Studies in Early British Literature
- ENGL 315 - Advanced Studies in Later British Literature
- ENGL 320 - Advanced Studies in American Literature
- ENGL 325 - Advanced Studies in Children’s and Adolescent
- ENGL 330 - Advanced Studies in Genre
- ENGL 335 - Advanced Studies in a Major Author
- FREN 351 - Survey of French Literature
- GERM 303 - Topics in German Literature (also in Global
Regions and Cultures)
- GERM 381 - Special Topics (some sections also in
Diversity and Difference, Global Regions and Cultures (see
- SPAN 308 - Introduction to the Hispanic World I
- SPAN 309 - Introduction to the Hispanic World II (also in
Global Regions and Cultures)
- STBR 210 - Studies in British Culture
- HNRS 205 - Philosophy: Addressing Fundamental Questions
- PHIL 137 - Disability, Community, and Advocacy (also in
Diversity and Difference)
- PHIL 151 - Philosophical Explorations
- PHIL 153 - Fundamental Questions in Philosophy (some
sections also in Diversity and Difference, Environmental
Sustainability (see Workday!))
- PHIL 205 - Ethics
- PHIL 207 - Justice and the Common Good: Studies in Political
Philosophy (also in Diversity and Difference)
- PHIL 211 - Philosophy of Gender (also in Diversity and
- PHIL 212 - Ethical Dimensions of Health Care
- PHIL 218 - AI and You
- PHIL 223 - Peaceable Kingdom (also in Environmental
- PHIL 225 - Public Philosophy (also in Diversity and
- PHIL 233 - Philosophical Transformation
- PHIL 235 - I long, Therefore I Am
- REL 255 - World Religions
- REL 261 - Christianity and Culture
- REL 262 - Social Justice: From the Prophets to Jesus
- REL 263 - Theology, Beauty, and the Arts
- REL 353 - Islam (also in Global Regions and
- REL 356 - Confucianism
Theory & Criticism
- COMM 254 - Screen Storytelling: Theory and Criticism
- COMM 305 - Persuasion and Propaganda
- POLS 110 - Foundations of Political Community
- POLS 240 - Freedom, Justice, and Political Authority
- POLS 242 - Philosophy, Politics, and Law
Mathematical Sciences
- CS 100 - Creating Interactive Web Media
- CS 106 - Introduction to Scientific Computation and Modeling
- CS 108 - Introduction to Computing
- DATA 102 - Foundations of Data Science and Analytics
- DATA 103 - Exploratory Data Science and Analytics
- MATH 100 - Mathematics in the Contemporary World
- MATH 132 - Calculus for Management, Life, and Social Sciences
- MATH 171 - Calculus I
- MATH 221 - The Real Number System and Methods for Elementary School
- POLS 253 - Social Science Statistics
- PSYC 255 - Statistics and Research Design
- SOC 255 - Social Science Statistics
- SOWK 255 - Social Science Statistics
- STAT 143 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics
- STAT 145 - Biostatistics
Natural Sciences
- BIOL 115 - Human Biology
- BIOL 123 - Living Systems (also in Environmental
- BIOL 141 - Cell Biology and Genetics for the Health Sciences
- BIOL 160 - Ecological and Evolutionary Systems (also in
Environmental Sustainability)
- BIOL 161 - Cellular and Genetic Systems
- HNRS 230 - Concepts and Methods in Science
- HNRS 233 - Honors Biology
- SCES 110 - General Science (also in Environmental
- CHEM 100 - The Molecular World
- CHEM 101 - General Chemistry I
- CHEM 103 - Accelerated General Chemistry
- CHEM 121 - Culinary Medicine
- CHEM 160 - Chemistry for the Health Sciences
- CHEM 171 - Chemistry for Future Leaders (also in
Environmental Sustainability)
- SCES 210 - Integrated Science
Geology & Earth Sciences
- GEO 120 - Earth Systems (also in Environmental
- GEO 151 - Introduction to Geology (also in Environmental
- GEO 153 - Great Lakes Geology (also in Environmental
- GEO 181 - First-Year Research in Earth Sciences: Dunes (also
in Environmental Sustainability)
- GEO 250 - Meteorology (also in Environmental
Physics & Astronomy
- ASTR 110 - Planets, Stars, and Galaxies
- ASTR 111 - The Solar System
- ASTR 112 - Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe
- ASTR 201 - Astrophysical Black Holes
- PHYS 130 - Particles, Nuclei, and Astronomy
- PHYS 131 - Matter, Light, and Energy
- PHYS 133 - Mechanics and Gravity
- PHYS 212 - Inquiry-Based Physics
- PHYS 221 - General Physics
- PHYS 223 - Physics for Health Sciences
Social and Behavioral
- ECON 191 - Principles of Economics
- ECON 221 - Principles of Microeconomics
- ECON 222 - Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECON 232 - Environmental Economics (also in Environmental
- ECON 233 - Economics of Energy and Sustainability (also in
Environmental Sustainability)
- ECON 237 - Regional Economies of the World (also in Global
Regions and Cultures)
- ECON 241 - Health Economics and Health Policy
- GEO 101 - People, Place, and Community (also in Diversity
and Difference)
- GEO 110 - World Regional Geography (also in Global Regions
and Cultures)
- ENGL 372 - Sociolinguistics and Issues in Language Education
- SPAN 341 - Spanish Phonology, Dialectology and Sociolinguistics
Political Science
- POLS 151 - Foundations of Social Research
- POLS 212 - Institutions and Politics of US Public Policy
- POLS 214 - Governments and Globalization
- POLS 217 - International Cooperation and Conflict
- POLS 219 - Institutions and Politics of US Foreign Policy
- POLS 227 - Contemporary Issues in International Politics
- POLS 224 - Contemporary Issues in Comparative Politics (also
in Global Regions and Cultures)
- POLS 229 - Contemporary Issues in US Foreign Policy
- POLS 234 - The President and Congress
- POLS 237 - Parties and Interest Groups
- POLS 277 - Asian Politics (also in Global Regions and
- POLS 279 - African Politics (also in Global Regions and
- EDUC 241 - Inclusive Teaching: Ability, Language, and Multicultural
- PSYC 151 - Introductory Psychology: Perspectives on the Self
Sociology and Social Work
- HNRS 209 - Rhetoric in Society (also in Arts, Oral Rhetoric,
Visual Rhetoric: Oral and Visual Rhetoric)
- CSEM 305 - Exploring Chicago Cross- Culturally
- CSEM 306 - Urban Planning, Development, and the Sustainable
- CSEM 307 - Social Justice
- EDUC 240 - The Social Context of Education (also in
Diversity and Difference)
- SOC 130 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (also in
Global Regions and Cultures)
- SOC 151 - Sociological Principles and Perspectives (also in
Diversity and Difference)
- SOC 201 - Families (also in Diversity and
- SOC 202 - Urban Sociology
- SOC 203 - Sociology of Deviance
- SOC 250 - Diversity and Inequality in the United States
(also in Diversity and Difference)
- SOC 301 - Gender and Sexuality in the United States (also in
Diversity and Difference)
- SOC 303 - Criminology (also in Diversity and
- SOWK 240 - Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare
(also in Diversity and Difference)
Diversity and Difference
- COMM 141 - Visual Rhetoric (also in Arts, Oral Rhetoric,
Visual Rhetoric: Oral and Visual Rhetoric)
- MUSC 203 - Popular Music (also in Arts, Oral Rhetoric,
Visual Rhetoric: Performing Arts)
- HIST 255 - African-American History (also in Humanities:
- HIST 256 - Women and Gender in US History (also in
Humanities: History)
- ENGL 205 - Special Topics (some sections also in
Humanities: Literature (see Workday!))
- ENGL 220 - Introduction to American Literature (some
sections also in Humanities: Literature (see
- GERM 381 - Special Topics (some sections also in
Humanities: Literature, Global Regions and Cultures (see
- PHIL 137 - Disability, Community, and Advocacy (also in
Humanities: Philosophy)
- PHIL 153 - Fundamental Questions in Philosophy (some
sections also in Humanities: Philosophy, Environmental
Sustainability (see Workday!))
- PHIL 207 - Justice and the Common Good: Studies in Political
Philosophy (also in Humanities: Philosophy)
- PHIL 211 - Philosophy of Gender (also in Humanities:
- PHIL 225 - Public Philosophy (also in Humanities:
- GEO 101 - People, Place, and Community (also in Social and
Behavioral Sciences: Geography)
- EDUC 240 - The Social Context of Education (also in Social
and Behavioral Sciences: Sociology and Social Work)
- SOC 151 - Sociological Principles and Perspectives (also in
Social and Behavioral Sciences: Sociology and Social Work)
- SOC 201 - Families (also in Social and Behavioral Sciences:
Sociology and Social Work)
- SOC 250 - Diversity and Inequality in the United States
(also in Social and Behavioral Sciences: Sociology and Social
- SOC 301 - Gender and Sexuality in the United States (also in
Social and Behavioral Sciences: Sociology and Social Work)
- SOC 303 - Criminology (also in Social and Behavioral
Sciences: Sociology and Social Work)
- SOWK 240 - Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare
(also in Social and Behavioral Sciences: Sociology and Social
- BUS 392 - Business Ethics
- FREN 361 - Francophone Literature and Culture in Quebec
- HIST 356 - American Social and Cultural History
- IDIS 290 - Cross-Cultural Engagement Independent Study
- NURS 309 - Practicum: Community Based and Mental Health Nursing
- PSYC 270 - Children at Risk
- PSYC 335 - Health Psychology
- PUBH 101 - Introduction to Public Health
- SOC 305 - Special Topics
- SOWK 250 - Diversity and Inequality in the United States
- SOWK 360 - Social Welfare Policy Analysis
- SPAN 370 - Advanced Topics
- SPAUD 599 - Critical Reflections in Speech Pathology (also
in Contemporary Challenges and Enduring Questions)
Environmental Sustainability
- FREN 301 - Advanced Conversation (also in World Languages
II, Global Regions and Cultures)
- HIST 274 - Environmental History (also in Humanities:
- HIST 280 - Introduction to Archaeology (also in Humanities:
- IDIS 240 - Introduction to Archaeology (also in Humanities:
- ENGL 305 - Advanced Special Topics (some sections
also in Humanities: Literature (see Workday!))
- PHIL 153 - Fundamental Questions in Philosophy (some
sections also in Humanities: Philosophy, Diversity and Difference
(see Workday!))
- PHIL 223 - Peaceable Kingdom (also in Humanities:
- BIOL 123 - Living Systems (also in Natural Sciences:
- BIOL 160 - Ecological and Evolutionary Systems (also in
Natural Sciences: Biology)
- SCES 110 - General Science (also in Natural Sciences:
- CHEM 171 - Chemistry for Future Leaders (also in Natural
Sciences: Chemistry)
- GEO 120 - Earth Systems (also in Natural Sciences: Geology
& Earth Sciences)
- GEO 151 - Introduction to Geology (also in Natural Sciences:
Geology & Earth Sciences)
- GEO 153 - Great Lakes Geology (also in Natural Sciences:
Geology & Earth Sciences)
- GEO 181 - First-Year Research in Earth Sciences: Dunes (also
in Natural Sciences: Geology & Earth Sciences)
- GEO 250 - Meteorology (also in Natural Sciences: Geology
& Earth Sciences)
- ECON 232 - Environmental Economics (also in Social and
Behavioral Sciences: Economics)
- ECON 233 - Economics of Energy and Sustainability (also in
Social and Behavioral Sciences: Economics)
- BIOL 345 - Ecosystem Ecology and Management
- BIOL 346 - Plant Taxonomy
- BIOL 364 - Global Health, Environment, and Sustainability
- BIOL 372 - Dutch Sustainability (also in Global Regions and
- CHEM 270 - Environmental Chemistry
- ENGR 184 - Sustainability Challenges
- ENGR 306 - Principles of Environmental Engineering
- ENST 210 - Human Impacts on the Environment
- ENST 302 - Environment and Society
- GEO 352 - Urban Planning for Sustainable Communities
- IDIS 212 - Global Health (also in Global Regions and
- IDIS 184 - Introduction to Sustainability Challenges
- PUBH 385 - The Impact of Clean Water: Honduras (also in
Global Regions and Cultures, Contemporary Challenges and Enduring
- SCM 201 - Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain
Global Regions and Cultures
- FREN 202 - Intermediate French II (also in World Languages
- FREN 301 - Advanced Conversation (also in World Languages
II, Environmental Sustainability)
- GERM 202 - Intermediate German II (also in World Languages
- GERM 301 - Advanced German Language and Culture (also in
World Languages II)
- SPAN 202 - Intermediate Spanish II (also in World Languages
- ARTH 241 - Chinese Art History (also in Arts, Oral Rhetoric,
Visual Rhetoric: Visual Arts)
- ARTH 243 - Japanese Art History (also in Arts, Oral
Rhetoric, Visual Rhetoric: Visual Arts)
- HIST 233 - Modern Middle East (also in Humanities:
- HIST 242 - Africa and the World (also in Humanities:
- HIST 245 - East Asia to 1800 (also in Humanities:
- ENGL 200 - Introduction to Global Literature (some
sections also in Humanities: Literature (see
- ENGL 300 - Advanced Studies in Global Literature (also in
Humanities: Literature)
- GERM 303 - Topics in German Literature (also in Humanities:
- GERM 381 - Special Topics (some sections also in
Humanities: Literature, Diversity and Difference (see
- SPAN 309 - Introduction to the Hispanic World II (also in
Humanities: Literature)
- REL 353 - Islam (also in Humanities: Religion)
- ECON 237 - Regional Economies of the World (also in Social
and Behavioral Sciences: Economics)
- GEO 110 - World Regional Geography (also in Social and
Behavioral Sciences: Geography)
- POLS 224 - Contemporary Issues in Comparative Politics (also
in Social and Behavioral Sciences: Political Science)
- POLS 277 - Asian Politics (also in Social and Behavioral
Sciences: Political Science)
- POLS 279 - African Politics (also in Social and Behavioral
Sciences: Political Science)
- SOC 130 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (also in
Social and Behavioral Sciences: Sociology and Social Work)
- BIOL 372 - Dutch Sustainability (also in Environmental
- IDIS 212 - Global Health (also in Environmental
- PUBH 385 - The Impact of Clean Water: Honduras (also in
Environmental Sustainability, Contemporary Challenges and Enduring
- BUS 190 - Leadership in Kenya
- EDUC 250 - Social Studies Inquiry
- ECON 337 - World Poverty and Economic Development
- FREN 302 - Advanced Grammar
- FREN 363 - Francophone Literature and Culture in North Africa
- GEO 242 - Geography of Africa
- GERM 302 - German Cultures and Intercultural Studies
- SOC 231 - Intercultural Communication
- SOWK 260 - Global Issues and Perspectives
- SPAN 302 - Advanced Grammar, Composition and Conversation II
- STBR 312 - Studies in British Culture
- STHU 210 - Studies in Central European Culture
Challenges and Enduring Questions
- SPAUD 599 - Critical Reflections in Speech Pathology (also
in Diversity and Difference)
- PUBH 385 - The Impact of Clean Water: Honduras (also in
Environmental Sustainability, Global Regions and Cultures)
- ARTH 320 - Classical Architecture from Antiquity to Now
- ARTH 330 - Art and Fashion
- BIOL 395 - Perspectives in Biology
- BIOL 396 - Perspectives in Medicine
- BUS 393 - Strategic Management
- COMM 330 - Media and Society
- COMM 398 - Communication, Technology, and Society
- CS 384 - Perspectives on Computing
- EDUC 359 - Student Teaching Seminar
- ENGL 395 - Advanced Seminar
- ENGR 339 - Senior Design Project
- GEO 395 - Seminar in Geology, Geography, and Environment
- IDIS 310 - Science in Society
- KIN 332 - Philosophy of Physical Education and Sport
- MATH 380 - Perspectives on Modern Mathematics
- ML 326 - Restorative Justice and Communities of Reconciliation
- NURS 380 - Critical Reflections on Health
- PHIL 313 - Emotions and Motivation
- PHIL 318 - Minds, Brains, and Persons
- PUBH 395 - Human Flourishing through Public Health
- PPE 395 - Politics, Markets, and Morality
- PSYC 399 - Psychology and Religion
- RECR 310 - Theory and Philosophy of Therapeutic Recreation
- SOWK 381 - Social Work Capstone