Adding PC19

Since we recently added a new node to the Calvin Emulab, pc19, it seems reasonable to lay out the steps involved.

  1. Setup a pc so that it will boot from the network (indicating, if possible, which interface it will use), so that it will start when powered on, and so that the floppy drive is enabled (even if you do not have a floppy drive).

  2. Connect everything. We used colored electrical tape to mark the wires at their ends and used a consistent color scheme to distinguish serial connections and cables to the control and experimental switches.

  3. Turn on the machine (we found it advisable to add nodes one at a time to avoid confusing them), and the "Add New Nodes" item will be highlighted on the emulab page. Enter the information for the node, and create it.

  4. As is pointed out in the last paragraph of add-nodes.txt, you still are not done. On boss get into the tbdb mysql database and type

    1. insert into tiplines values('pc19','pc19','ops.whatever', 0, 0, NULL);

    2. insert into outlets values('pc19','name_of_power_controller', number_of_outlet,20070711123456).

  5. Add a new line to /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ on ops (imitate the old last line making the obvious sustitutions), and then run that new last line.