
In the last session, we finished covering basic administration skills for your computer. Tonight, we'll discuss additional hardware/software that you could buy and install yourself, and then we'll send you home with your machines.

Additional Hardware

Your machines are now basically configured for home use, but they don't have all the hardware components that one might want to have, such as:

You can connect other components as shown in the following image:

Additional ports for installation of other devices

Additional components will usually have software programs called drivers that must also be installed. Because this is different for each component, you'll have to follow the instructions provided with the component.

Installing a Modem

If there is interest, you can install an internal modem in a manner similar to that shown in the following picture:

Additional ports for installation of other devices

When this hardware is installed, you'll also have to do the following:

Additional Software

Your machines have an operating system (Microsoft Windows), basic Internet administration software (e.g., AVG, Spybot), and Open Office. If there is interest, we can help you install Microsoft Office or any other software package you're interested in.


We'll take a break here.

Going Home

Now it's time to pack your machine up, take it on home and try to set it up. The hardware you should be taking home includes the following:

Ask questions if you have any problems. If you have any problems hooking things up when you get home, you can double-check the class notes or call us here and we'll try to help.

Future Support

Computers are complicated systems and you will probably run into problems as you use them. To get help, try consulting the following places:

It has been good to meet you in this class and we wish you blessings as you pursue your goals using your new computer equipment and skills.