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Complex Database Record
The records in PsycINFO can contain up to thirty-eight fields. Most of these fields you will never use since they are intended for power users or for retrieving very specific records. For example, if a researcher wants only publications produced by the "Canadian Psychiatic Association," the field Corporate name phrase would be used. Also, notice that some fields (General Code, Content type phrase, and Document type phrase) require very specific data for the search to be successful.
Keyword music and therapy
Abstract kangaroo+
Accession number 1998-06637-000
Age group phrase very old 85 yrs & older
General Code 100 Childhood 200 Adolescence 300 Adulthood
Author ohara kenton p o'hara
Author affiliation australian national
Author phrase ohara koichi o'hara kenton p
Chapter book author phrase gergen kenneth j
Chapter's book title motivating behavior+
Chapter's book title phrase arts approaches to conflict
Classification descriptor phrase 2820 cognitive & perceptual development
Conference name phrase language testing research colloquium
Content type phrase 0800 empirical study
Corporate name phrase canadian psychiatric association
Descriptor dance
Descriptor phrase dance therapy
Document type phrase dt=book and dance therapy
Geographic coverage phrase australia
Identifier teen* parent+
Intended audience phrase juvenile
Journal source confrontation* (Any journal that has "conforntation" in the title)
Journal source phrase confrontations psychiatriques
Major descriptor phrase measurement (Major emphasis of article)
Minor descriptor phrase art therapy
Personal name phrase ohara kenton p
Population group phrase 10 human
Publication date 1998
Publisher mcgraw-hill
Series title cambridge studies
Special feature phrase 100 index
Standard number 0398068739
Subject therap*
Subject phrase music therapy
Table of contents art therap*
Title music therapy
Title phrase music therapy for children with severe burn injury
Update 19971127
Complex Database Record
Database Records
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