In Summary

Thus, the three key features of "modern" computers are that they are:

  • digital
    Modern computers are digital, because they mimic the operations of arithmetic by manipulating devices that represent the digits of numbers.
  • binary
    Modern computers are binary, because the kind of arithmetic they mimic is not that of our favored decimal (base-10) numbers but, rather, arithmetic operations upon binary (base-2) numbers.
  • electronic
    Modern computers mechanize arithmetic. In other words, they are machines that do arithmetic, in the sense that they are built to mimic the rules of arithmetic: that is, given some input representing an arithmetic instruction, the machine is built so that, blindly and automatically, its switches flip to the states representing the appropriate result.
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These pages were written by Steven H. VanderLeest and Jeffrey Nyhoff and edited by Nancy Zylstra
©2005 Calvin University (formerly Calvin College), All Rights Reserved

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