Computers in Education

Distance Education
Distance education allows students to communicate with a teacher in another location. This can be done over the Internet or with high-speed digital videoconferencing technology.

A large number of colleges, universities, and seminaries now offer distance education courses along with both undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Students take the courses if they live far from the college and find it inconvenient to travel to campus. Older students often take such courses from home at night, after working during the day. Home-schooled children also benefit from courses offered online.

Aside from distance education, schools from colleges to preschools are quickly becoming wired to the Internet. Rehoboth Christian School, a small school in New Mexico, won the 2002 Thin Client @ School™ Contest. This grant was used to connect computer labs, classrooms, and students' homes (up to 60 miles away!).

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These pages were written by Jeffrey L. Nyhoff and Steven H. VanderLeest and edited by Nancy Zylstra
© 2005 Calvin University (formerly Calvin College), All Rights Reserved.

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