Your instructor will assign one or more of the following problems. Submit all appropriate files for grading, including code files, screen captures, supplemental files (e.g., image files), and text files.

IMPORTANT: In each of the exercises below you are extending existing code. Begin by using Eclipse to make a copy of your existing Java package, and then paste the copy into your "src" directory. Eclipse will prompt you to rename the copy of the package, which you should do in the usual way (i.e. edu.calvin.yourLoginID.homework10 ).

  1. Extend the circle class you built in the lab exercise as follows:

  2. Modify the fraction class you built in the previous lab as follows:

  3. Modify the quadratic class from the previous homework as follows:

Checking In

Submit all appropriate files for grading, including code files, screen captures, supplemental files (e.g., image files), and text files. We will grade this exercise according to the following criteria:

If you work in teams for this homework assignment, be sure to submit all team members’ names in the code documentation.