
Students who complete this lab will demonstrate that they can:

A Calculator Application

In this lab you will develop the simple, text-based calculator shown below.

a calculator application

As you can see from this design, you must implement four text fields and a text label on the main control panel and one message label. The user will type an operand, operator and operand into the first three text fields, press enter and the system will respond by placing the answer in the fourth text field. Prompts and error messages are placed in the message field.

Exercise 7b.1

Start by creating a new package for this lab called edu/institution/yourUserId/lab7b . Now, download the starter code and save it to your new package. The starter code can be found here:


Familiarize yourself with this code, change the package name appropriately and get it to run. Note the following:

Note on static methods: The Calculator class itself has only one static method that performs basic arithmetic calculations (i.e, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). It therefore requires no instance variables, constructors, accessors or mutators (or if it does, calculate() will not use them). You can find more information on the use of static methods (and static data items) in Chapter 9 under the headings “Static vs. Instance Constants” in Section 9.3.1 and “Static vs. Instance Methods” in Section 9.3.2.

Test-Driven Development

It is often a good idea to start by implementing the unit tests. This approach is called test-driven development. You analyze the problem you‘re solving, specify a list of tests and implement them before actually implementing any of the application features. Then, you implement the application one piece at a time, stopping when your code passes all the tests.

Exercise 7b.2

Design and implement 8-10 test cases for your calculate() method. Write tests that will check addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Try to think of boundary cases and error conditions, and consider whether any exceptions should be thrown. For example, division by zero should throw an exception, but adding a negative number is a valid operation. Remember to catch the exceptions that your code is supposed to throw, and pass or fail the test accordingly.

You should now be able to run your unit tests and they will all fail (unless any of them is supposed to give the answer 0.0!)

Note on invoking static methods: The static calculate() method is similar to Java Math library’s static methods sqrt() and pow() . To invoke these static Math library methods, we call them directly off the class, as in Math.sqrt() , without declaring an object of type Math . Similarly, you do not create an object of type Calculator , but, rather, invoke the calculate() method as a static method using Calculator.calculate() . See the sample code in CalculatorTest for an example of this.

The algorithm for the calculate() method is as follows:

  1. Receive two operands (doubles) and an operator (char) from the calling program.
  2. If the operator is + (addition) (Note, use this syntax: if (operator == '+') ...)
    1. Return operand1 + operand2.
    else if the operator is - (subtraction)
    1. Return operand1 - operand2.
    else if the operator is * (multiplication)
    1. Return operand1 * operand2.
    else if the operator is / (division)
    1. Return operand1 / operand2.
    1. Throw an “illegal operator” exception.
Exercise 7b.3

Upgrade the Calculator stub class as follows:

  1. Implement the calculate() method as specified in the algorithm above.
  2. Also, add a thrown exception that rejects attempts to divide by zero.

With this method implemented correctly, your unit tests should all pass. Work with your code until this is the case.

The Switch Statement

The if-then-else statement specified in the algorithm for calculate() is not the only way to implement that function. In fact, a switch statement is actually a better choice in this case. Thus, we can re-implement the calculate() method using a switch . This process of re-implementing an application without changing its behavior is called refactoring.

Exercise 7b.4

Refactor your Calculator class as follows:

  1. Refactor your calculate() method to use a switch statement rather than the if-then-else statement specified above.
  2. Add extra cases for alternate function codes:
    • ‘a’ or ‘+’ for addition; (Note, here, you can implement or-ed conditions by including multiple case clauses, e.g., case constant1 : case constant2 : statements )
    • ‘s’ or ‘-’ for subtraction;
    • ‘m’ or ‘*’ for multiplication;
    • ‘d’ or ‘/’ for division;

    Add test cases to exercise these new function codes.

This new version of the method should still pass your unit tests; it’s only the form of implementation that has changed, not the behavior.

This use of unit tests to verify the correctness of refactored code is very useful. It gives you confidence that your new version of the implementation is just as correct as the old version was.

The Calculator GUI

To implement the interactive behavior, add a SINGLE inner class to CalculatorController that responds to the user entered event (Remember, each of the fields can use the same action listener object). The actionPerformed method of this class should implement the following algorithm:

  1. Declare double variables operand1 and operand2, and char variable operator.
  2. Set operand1 = the value in operand1Field (Note, use this code to parse text in the field: Double.parseDouble(operand1Field.getText()) ).
  3. Set operator = the character in operatorField (Note, use this code to parse the first character in the field: operatorField.getText().charAt(0) ; this returns a char ).
  4. Set operand2 = the value in operand2Field
  5. Set result = the calculated value (Note, use this code to compute the result: Calculator.calculate(operand1, operator, operand2); this returns a double).
    Set the text of resultField to result value (Note, use this code: resultField.setText(Double.toString(result)); )
Exercise 7b.5

Add the interactive behavior to the CalculatorController by implementing the algorithm give above. When you are finished, the application should give the correct answer to any valid calculation you request.

Also, add exception-handling code that catches attempts by the user to enter the string “one” when they should be entering “1” (Note: Double.parseDouble already knows to throw a NumberFormatException in this case) deal with invalid operators, and gracefully handle division by zero. In each case, update the message label to let the user know what went wrong.


This exercise is very similar to the factorial example covered in the lecture.

Exercise 7b.6

Add a summation method to your calculator that receives a double n and returns the sum of the numbers from 0 to n. For example, the summation of 4 is 10 (i.e., 0+1+2+3+4). Use the code S (i.e., a capital “S”) in your calculate method, and then call the summation method. The summation method should be implemented using recursion, and it should throw an exception for a negative operand. Make it a static method as you did with the calculate() method. In your controller, use the first operand field to get the value of n, and accept any valid number for operand 2 (so the user will be required to enter a value for the second operand, but it will simply be ignored in the calculate method).

Add test cases to exercise this new function, including the thrown exception. Rerun your GUI controller and your unit tests. Save this version of your code to turn in.

Documenting your Classes

When you build a class, you generally would like to reuse the methods at a later time, and perhaps to advertise them so other programmers can use them as well. To support this, it is a good idea to clearly document the Application Programmer’s Interface (API) to the reusable elements of the class (e.g., the public methods you’ve written). Most development environments provide tools for doing this automatically. Go here to do this in your development environment:

Compare the format of the documentation you produce with the standard Java reference documentation; as you can see that Java produces its documentation using Javadoc as well.

Exercise 7b.7

Add appropriately formatted Javadoc comments to your two new classes and generate a Javadoc API reference for your new application.

Checking In

Submit all the code and supporting files for the exercises in this lab. We will grade this exercise according to the following criteria: