Usability Test - Participate in a usability test for an existing system (e.g., from the software engineering course or the senior project). Someone will contact you about scheduling time to do the test; any time before the due date is fine.

You don’t have to prepare for this usability test, just plan to show up at the agreed time and place and follow the instructions the test directors give you. You will be trying out a system they are developing and it would be most helpful if you could talk about what you are doing as you use the system. For example, comments like “I’m trying to find the quit-button, but don’t see it anywhere” or “I have no idea what this picture is supposed to mean” could help the system developers find usability problems with their interfaces that they themselves have never noticed.

Please note that you are not the person being tested; you are testing the usability of their system. If you can’t figure out what to do, or if you crash their system, it’s their fault, not yours. The directors will record the fact that you took the test and report that to us. Beyond that, they are instructed to store aggregate data only, without personal names attached, and to allow you to quit the test at any time for any reason.

You don’t have to turn anything in for this part of the homework, but do make sure to check the gradebook to ensure you receive credit.