
Designing a Class’s External View

Classes, the cornerstone of object-oriented programming, allow the programmer to add new types to the language. When designing a new class, it's important to think about how the class objects will be used, that is, to think from an external perspective.

In this lab, you will build a simple particle simulator that looks like the one shown to the right. For this application, you will need to create a Particle class that models particles moving and colliding in a two-dimensional space. From the external perspective, a programmer would expect these Particle objects to support the following behaviors:

  • Render - Display the particle on the display window;
  • Movement - Move the particle object for each successive frame based on a given velocity;
  • Hits - Determine if one particle has hit another;
  • Collide - Modify the velocity of a particle to model its bouncing off another particle.

Before we begin to implement this Particle class, we’ll consider this external API.

particles output
Exercise 7.1

Write a driver program that declares, initializes and displays an object of type Particle. Follow the approach used in class. We suggest that you set the panel size to something large, say 400x400, and the background color to black. You won't be able to run this program yet because you haven’t implemented the Particle class, but you will be forced to think about how to use the Particle class from an external perspective. You may assume that Particle objects implement a default constructor method and a display() method.

Save this driver program for use in the next exercise.

Implementing a Simple Class

The first step in implementing a class is to determine the instance data that each class object must represent and to build a method for constructing class objects. In the Processing IDE, you can create a new class by adding a new tab to the workspace (see the arrow on the far right of the tabs bar).

Exercise 7.2

Build a Particle class with the following features:

You should now be able to run your program and see a single (stationary) particle with the default settings. When that is working, modify your class to model a moving particle by doing the following:

  1. More Instance Variables - Add instance variables for the x and y components of the particle’s velocity (myVelocityX, myVelocityY). Declare them with your other instance variables and initialize them to some non-zero default values in your default constructor.
  2. Mutator Method - Implement a move() method that changes the particle’s x-y coordinates according to the two velocities you implemented above according to the following algorithm:
    Increment myX by myVelocityX.
    Increment myY by myVelocityY.

Save this version of the program for use in the next exercise.

Mutator Methods

Classes provide methods that change their internal state, called mutator methods. You will now implement a mechanism that bounces particles off the “walls”.

Exercise 7.3

Add bouncing to the particle by modifying your move() method so that it receives the width and height of the output panel from its calling program and implements the following revised algorithm:

If the particle’s outer edge is beyond the left or right panel walls then
   Negate myVelocityX.
Increment myX by myVelocityX.
If the particle’s outer edge is above the panel’s ceiling or below its floor then
   Negate myVelocityY.
Increment myY by myVelocityY.

Save this version of your program for use in the next exercise.

Overloading the Constructor

Processing allows more than method to have the same name, provided that the method signature (i.e., the return type and the types/order of the parameters) are different. This is called overloading the method. This is commonly done with constructor methods.

In this section, you will implement a second, explicit-value constructor method that allows the calling program to specify the locations of the particles.

Exercise 7.4

Make the following modifications to your program:

  1. Explicit-Value Constructor - Add a new explicit-value constructor that receives values for x, y, diameter, velocityX, velocityY and color from its calling program. This method verifies that these values make sense and then stores them in it instance variables. Given that any values for the coordinates, velocities or color could make sense, the only parameter that we need to check is the diameter, which should not be negative. If your constructor receives a negative diameter, have it print an error message and stop the driver (i.e., using stop()). This is a rather draconian approach, which we will improve upon later in the course. Test this by trying to construct a particle with an invalid value for the diameter. When this works, be sure to comment out the offending declaration/definition.
  2. Arrays - When you have the single particle case working properly, modify the driver to create an array of particle objects each set with random x-y coordinates, diameters, x-y velocities, and colors. Where appropriate, set reasonable limits on the random values.

Save this version of the program for use in the next exercise.

Accessor Methods

Accessor methods allow other programmers to access the values of a class’s private data attributes.

Exercise 7.5

Add accessor methods to your Particle class for the x coordinate, the y coordinate and the diameter. To verify that they work, add three temporary println() statements to your main draw() method that print out the x and the y coordinates and the diameter for each particle on each animation frame.

When you have this working properly, take the temporary println() statements back out and save the program.

Object Interaction

In some cases, Particle objects must interact with one another. For example, if we want an object to be able to determine if it has collided with another object, it will need to be able to access (and perhaps change) not only its own x-y coordinates and diameter, but also those values for other objects. Accessor (and mutator) methods provide this capability.

Implementing this behavior in a class method can be confusing because the method will have receive a Particle object from its calling program (e.g., named other) and then work with its own instance variables (e.g., myX and myY) and those of the other object (e.g., other.getX() and other.getY()).

Exercise 7.6 (Extra Credit)

Add collision detection to your model as follows:

  1. A Utility Method - Add a hits() method to your Particle class that receives a Particle object (other) and determines if the current object has collided with other. Use the following algorithm:
    If the distance from (myX, myY) to (other.getX(), other.getY()) is less than myDiameter/2 + other.getDiameter()/2:
        Return true.
        Return false.
  2. Another Mutator Method - Add a collide() method to your Particle class that receives a Particle object (other) and reflects the particle’s velocity using the following constant definition and method:

    private final float DAMPENING_FACTOR = 0.80;
    // Collision algorithm based on K. Terzidis, Algorithms for Visual Design
    public void collide(Particle other) {
      float angle = atan2(other.getY() - myY, other.getX() - myX);
      float otherX = myX + cos(angle) * (myDiameter/2 + other.getDiameter()/2);
      float otherY = myY + sin(angle) * (myDiameter/2 + other.getDiameter()/2);
      float ax = (otherX - other.getX());
      float ay = (otherY - other.getY());
      myVelocityX = (myVelocityX - ax) * DAMPENING_FACTOR;
      myVelocityY = (myVelocityY - ay) * DAMPENING_FACTOR;
  3. Finally, modify the driver program’s draw() method to check all pairs of objects for collisions on each frame according to the following algorithm:
    For each particle (i)
       Move the particle.
       Display the particle.
       For each particle (j)
          If (i != j) and (particle i hits particle j) then 
             Ask particle i to handle a collision with particle j.

    You should have already written the first three lines of the algorithm, you must now implement the inner for loop.

Save this program.

Checking In

Submit all the code and supporting files for the exercises in this lab.