Your instructor will assign one or more of the following problems. Submit all appropriate files for grading, including code files, screen captures, supplemental files (e.g., image files), and text files.

  1. Create a text file that contains student names and the number of gigabytes of movies they have stored on their computers, e.g.:

    Jack 200
    Janet 1024
    Jane 10
    Dick 256

    Then write a program that reads this file and prints out statistics on the data, including the maximum and minimum values (along with the names of the people who had them), the total and the average values. Feel free to include any data set that you would like to collect.

    We’ll grant extra credit to students who create a geographical data set and display the results on an SVG map of some sort (see the examples in the lecture slides for details on how to do this).

  2. Display a data set of your own choosing, either country-by-country across the world or state-by-state across the United States. For example, you could display the distribution of US government stimulus funds by state. You can use either of the following SVG maps: US Map or World Map.

  3. Create a text file that contains student names and their current scores in a class, with values between 0 and 100 e.g.:

    Jack 97
    Janet 75
    Jane 98
    Dick 56

    Then write a program that reads this file and prints out a histogram of the values. The output should not be graphical. That is, the only output should appear in the text panel. Create the histogram using blocks of 10, so your output for this example would be as follows:

    0-10 0
    11-20 0
    21-30 0
    31-40 0
    41-50 0
    51-60 1
    61-70 0
    71-80 1
    81-90 0
    91-100 2
    For extra credit you can *additionally* output a graphical representation of the histogram (using appropriate labels).