Lab 10: Vectors


In past exercises, we have dealt with sequences of values by processing the values one at a time. Now we want to examine a new kind of object called a vector that can store not just one value, but an entire sequence of values. Like a string, a vector is a subscripted object, meaning the values within it can be accessed via a subscript or index:

The components or "spaces" within a vector in which values can be stored are called the vector's elements. Unlike strings which only store chars, vectors can be used to store any type of data.

By storing a sequence of values in a vector, we can design operations for the sequence, and then implement such operations in a function that receives the entire sequence through a vector parameter.

Vectors are implemented for us in C++ as the vector class in the vector library which is part of the C++ Standard Template Library (STL). The STL contains many containers and algorithms that are useful in many different situations. We'll only explore a very small portion of the STL in this lab.

The Problem

This lab's exercise is to write a program that processes the names and scores of students in a course, and assigns letter grades (A, B, C, D or F) based on those scores, curving the grades. The format of the input file is a series of lines, each having the form:

name score

As usual, we will use object-centered design to design our solution.


Directory: lab10

Create the specified directory, and copy the files above into the new directory. Only gcc users need a makefile; all others should create a project and add all of the .cpp files to it.

Add your name, date, and purpose to the opening documentation of the code and documentation files; if you're modifying and adding to the code written by someone else, add your data as part of the file's modification history.

Begin by editing the file grades.cpp, and take a few moments to look it over. As indicated by its documentation, grades.cpp is a skeleton program that (partially) encodes an algorithm to solve the problem. This lab's exercise will involve completing this program.


Up until now, our programs have been able to fully process their input as soon as it was read in. This is actually quite rare. Often, as in this lab's problem, we need to keep our information around for a long time.

Let's start at the end product: to assign a letter grade, we need to know the student's score. That's fine: read in the score, and print the corresponding letter grade. However, how can we assign the letter grade? We first need to know the average and standard deviation of all of the scores; the only way to know this is to sum all of the scores, and then we can compute the average and standard deviation.

Consequently, the scores have to be processed twice: once to figure out the average and standard deviation; a second time to assign letter grades based on the average and standard deviation.

We could use a file to store the sequence, and then reread the file each time we need to process the values. The problem with this approach is that reading from a file is very, very, very slow compared to reading from main memory---a thousand times as slow!

A much better solution is to use an internal container, in this case, a vector. In addition to being much faster than input from a file, a vector gives us immediate access to any element stored in the vector.


Our program should display a greeting, and then prompt for and read the name of an input file. It should then read a sequence of names and a sequence of scores from the input file. It should then compute the average and standard deviation of the sequence of scores, and display these values. Using the average and standard deviation, it should compute the sequence of letter grades that correspond to the sequence of scores. It should then display each student's name, score and letter grade.


When we examine our behavioral description for objects, we find these objects:

Description Type Kind Name
a greeting string literal --
The name of the input file string varying inFileName
a sequence of names vector<string> varying nameVec
a sequence of scores vector<double> varying scoreVec
the average score double varying average
the standard deviation of the scores double varying stdDeviation
a sequence of letter grades vector<char> varying gradeVec

We can thus specify the behavior of our program this way:

input (keyboard): the name of an input file.
input (input file): a sequence of names and scores.
output (screen): the average and standard deviation of the scores, plus the sequences of names and scores, and the sequence of corresponding letter grades.


From our behavioral description, we have these operations:

Description Predefined? Name Library
Display a string yes << iostream
Read a string yes >> iostream
Read a sequence of names and scores from a file no -- --
Compute the average of a sequence scores no -- --
Compute the standard deviation of a sequence scores no -- --
Compute the sequence of letter grades corresponding to a sequence scores no -- --
Display sequences of names, scores and letter grades no -- --

There are several undefined operations, so it appears we'll be writing quite a few functions for this lab.


We can organize the preceding objects and operations into the following algorithm:

  1. Display a greeting.
  2. Prompt for and read the name of the input file.
  3. Fill nameVec and scoreVec with values from the input file.
  4. Output the mean and standard deviation of the values in scoreVec.
  5. Compute gradeVec, a vector of the letter grades corresponding to the scores in scoreVec.
  6. Display the elements in nameVec, scoreVec and gradeVec.
We will thus use three different vector objects: nameVec storing string values, scoreVec storing double values, and gradeVec storing char values.

Defining vector Objects

Vectors are declared like so in C++:

vector<Type> vecObj;

This declaration defines vecObj as a vector containing values of type Type.

A programmer using a vector must specify the type of value they want to store in a given vector. While a vector is generally useful for storing any type of data, we always know exactly what type of data we want to put in given a particular problem. While we could try to keep track of the particular type ourselves, it's much, much better to let the compiler worry about it.

The vector class is known as a template class; that is, it's be templated to allow us to specify the Type of data that is stored in each vector.. A complete discussion of templates and template classes is beyond us at this point, but for now it suffices to know why and how to use them.

With the vector class template, the compiler will check everything done with vecObj. Only Type objects can be put into vecObj; only Type objects will come out. No one (neither the programmer nor the compiler) is ever surprised by the contents of a vector.

In grade.cpp, use this information to define the three vectors needed in the main program: nameVec, scoreVec, and gradeVec. The first two vectors are declared early in the function; gradeVec is declared later. (The comments tell you where.) Each of these vectors stores a different type of data so write the declarations with this in mind. Also make sure you include the vector library.

Filling vector Objects from a File

Now let's start tackling the undefined operations in our main algorithm. The first undefined operation is to read in names and scores from a file. The name of the file is in inFileName; the names and scores should be placed into the vectors that you just declared in the main program.

We'll call this function fillVectors().



We can describe how this function should behave as follows:

Our function should receive the name of an input file, an empty vector of strings and an empty vector of doubles from its caller. The function should open an ifstream to the input file. It should then read each name and score from the ifstream, appending them to the vector of strings and the vector of doubles, respectively. When no values remain to be read, our function should close the ifstream, and pass back the filled vector objects.


Using the behavioral description, our function needs the following objects:

Description Type Kind Movement Name
The name of the input file const string & constant in inFileName
An empty vector of strings vector<string> & varying in & out nameVec
An empty vector of doubles vector<double> & varying in & out scoreVec
a stream to inFileName ifstream varying local inStream
a student's name string varying local name
a student's score double varying local score

Given these objects, we can specify the behavior of our function as follows:

receive: inFileName, a string; nameVec, a vector<string>; and scoreVec, a vector<double>.
passback: nameVec and scoreVec, filled with the values from inFileName.

Since this function seems unlikely to be generally reuseable, we will define it within the same file as our main function. Using the above information, place a prototype for fillVectors() before the main function, and a function stub after the main function.

Since inFileName is a class object that is received but not passed back, it should be defined as a constant reference parameter, not as a value parameter. In contrast, nameVec and scoreVec are passed back, and so should be defined as reference parameters.


In our behavioral description, we have the following operations:

Description Predefined? Name Library
Receive inFileName, nameVec and scoreVec yes function call mechanism built-in
Open an ifstream to inFileName yes ifstream declaration fstream
Read a string from an ifstream yes >> fstream
Read a double from an ifstream yes >> fstream
Append a string to a vector<string> yes push_back() vector
Append a double to a vector<double> yes push_back() vector
Repeat reading and appending for whole file yes eof-controlled input loop built-in
Close an ifstream yes close() fstream
Pass back vector objects yes reference parameter built-in


We can organize these objects and operations into the following algorithm:

  1. Receive inFileName, nameVec and scoreVec.
  2. Open inStream, a stream to inFileName, and check that it opened successfully.
  3. Loop
    1. Read name and score from inStream.
    2. If end-of-file was reached, terminate repetition.
    3. Append name to nameVec.
    4. Append score to scoreVec.
    End loop.
  4. Close inStream.


To append values to a vector, use the vector method named push_back():


Such a statement "pushes" newValue onto the back of the vector named vectorObject.

Using this information, complete the stub of fillVectors(). Then compile what you have written and make sure that it is free of syntax errors before proceeding.


The next undefined operation should average the scores. An important observation here is that it doesn't matter that the values are scores. They could be temperatures, heights, weights, times, or any double values. So the average() function that we'll write computes the average of some generic double values, regardless of what they actually mean.

It's important to note this now because it will have an effect on the way we name our variables. Yes, we'll continue to think of the scores as scores in the main program (and other functions), but in average() we'll think of them as just a sequence of real numbers.



We can describe how this function should behave as follows:

Our function should receive a vector of double values. It should add up the values in the vector, and if there is at least one value in the vector, our function should return the average of the values (i.e., the sum divided by the number of values). Otherwise, our function should display an error message and return a default value (e.g., 0.0).


Using the behavioral description, our function needs the following objects:

Description Type Kind Movement Name
A vector of doubles const vector<double> & varying in numVec
the sum of the values in the vector double varying local sum
the number of values in the vector int varying local numValues
an error message string literal local --
a default return value double literal local 0.0

Given these objects, we can specify the behavior of our function as follows:

receive: numVec, a vector<double>.
precondition: numVec is not empty.
return: the average of the values in numVec.

Since we've designed this function to be generally reusable, we will define it within a library named DoubleVectorOps.

Place a prototype for average() in DoubleVectorOps.h and DoubleVectorOps.doc, and a function stub in DoubleVectorOps.cpp.

Since numVec is a class object that is received but not passed back, it should be defined as a constant reference parameter.


In our behavioral description, we have the following operations:

Description Predefined? Name Library
Receive numVec yes function call mechanism built-in
Sum the values in a vector<double> yes accumulate() numeric
Determine the number of values in a vector<double> yes size() vector
Divide two double values yes / built-in
Return a double value yes return built-in
Display an error message yes << iostream
Select between normal case and error case yes if statement built-in


We can organize these objects and operations into the following algorithm:

  1. Receive numVec.
  2. Compute sum, the sum of the values in numVec.
  3. Compute numValues, the number of values in numVec.
  4. If numValues > 0:
        Return sum / numValues.
    1. Display an error message via cerr.
    2. Return 0.0 as a default value.
    End if.


As noted above, the STL contains not only containers (like vector), but it also contains algorithms. The function accumulate() is one such algorithm, and it comes from the library named numeric. This function adds up the values in a vector:

accumulate(vectorObject.begin(), vectorObject.end(), 0.0)

This expression returns the sum of the values in vectorObject. To use accumulate(), you must include the numeric library in your program.

Another operation we need is to determine the number of values in a vector. This is considerably easier:


This expression evaluates to the number of values in vectorObject. The size method is part of the vector class, and so you must include the vector library (which must be done anyone so that you can declare vectorObject in the first place).

Using this information, complete the stub for average(). Then uncomment the call to average() in the main function, translate and test your program. Don't forget to include the numeric library! Verify that your program is correctly computing the average of the values in the input file before you proceed.

vector and the Standard Template Library

In writing the average() function, we used of one of the vector methods, size(); and we used one of the C++ standard library algorithms, accumulate(). Being knowledgeable about what methods and algorithms can be applied to an object is important because it allows you to avoid reinventing the wheel. We could have written our own functions to find the number of values in a vector, or add up the values in a vector, but why go to all that extra effort when we can use the provided one? Learning about the functions and algorithms that can be applied to an object takes time, but it is time well-spent, since it provides ready-made solutions for many of the problems you will encounter.

As mentioned earlier, vector is our first look at a template class. The vector template is just one of many different kinds of containers provided by the C++ Standard Template Library. Other containers include the list, the set, the map, the stack, the queue and a variety of others. Each of these containers has its own unique properties that distinquish it from the others. These containers are typically the subject of later computer science courses, and so we will not discuss them further here.

Some of the vector methods and each of the STL algorithms make use of a new kind of object called an iterator. An iterator is an object that can move through a sequence of values and access each of the values in turn. Each of the containers in STL provide iterators for processing their elements, and each of the STL algorithms take a container's iterators as arguments, which they use to access the elements in that container.

It is through iterators that the STL algorithms can be written easily to handle any of the STL containers. Otherwise, the authors of the STL would have to write an accumulate() function for every container implemented in the STL. In fact, we could write our own, brand-new container (perhaps never seen before in the history of computing); as long as we wrote iterators for our new container, we could use all of the STL algorithms without having to change the code for those algorithms.

A complete discussion of iterators is beyond us at this point; however, it is useful to understand that each of the containers (including vector) contains a method begin() that returns an iterator to its first element, plus a method end() that returns an iterator pointing beyond its final element.

These two iterators thus mark the beginning and end of a container. An STL algorithm (like accumulate()) can then use these two end points of the container to iterate through the whole container and do its work (e.g., add the elements together).

Standard Deviation

Returning to our problem at hand, we next need to write function to compute the standard deviation of our scores. standardDev() will be given a vector of double values, and it will return the standard deviation of those values.

Since a proper discussion of standard deviation would take us into statistics, we'll black box the computation. That is, the specification and algorithm are given below without the rest of the OCD design. Generally you do want a good understanding of the problem you're working on and of the solution you come up with for the problem. But in some cases, one person may design a solution, and some one else may be asked to implement it.


The specification for this function is as follows:

receive: numVec, a vector<double>.
precondition: numVec is not empty.
return: The standard deviation of the values in numVec.

Since this function is generally reusable (just like average()), it should also be defined in our DoubleVectorOps library. Using this specification, place a prototype for standardDev() in DoubleVectorOps.h and DoubleVectorOps.doc, and a function stub in DoubleVectorOps.cpp.

As before, numVec should be defined as a constant reference parameter.

An algorithm to compute the standard deviation is as follows:

  1. Receive numVec.
  2. Compute numValues, the number of values in numVec.
  3. If numValues > 0:
    1. Define avg, a double initialized to the average of the values in numVec.
    2. Define sumSqrTerms, a double initialized to zero.
    3. For each index i of numVec:
      1. Define term, a double initialized to numVeci - avg.
      2. Add term2 to sumSqrTerms.
      End loop.
    4. Return sqrt(sumSqrTerms / numValues).
    1. Display an error message via cerr.
    2. Return 0.0 as a default value.
    End if.

We use the notation numVeci to refer to the value in numVec whose index is i.


Vector size. To determine the number of values in a vector, we can use the size() method, as before.

Average. To compute the average of the values in a vector, we can use the average() function that we just defined.

The loop. The loop can be implemented as a counting for loop that counts from 0 to numValues minus one:

for (int i = 0; i < numValues; i++)

This is perhaps one of the most common ways to process a vector. Become very familiar with this loop since you will see it in any program that uses a vector. It's a little different from the counting loops we've used in the past; the primary reason for this is because vector indices start at index 0.

Element access. To access a value from a vector, the subscript operation can be applied to the vector, in the same manner as a string. The pattern is:

vectorObject [ index ]

This expression evaluates to the value that is stored within vectorObject at index index.

Do it. Using this information, complete the stub for standardDev(). Then uncomment the call to standardDev() in the main function, and translate and test what you have written.

You should get the following standard deviations (approximately):
File Standard Deviation 11.1803 2.69186 0.927025
Make sure that your program is correctly computing the standard deviation of the values in the input file before you proceed.

Computing Letter Grades

Print a hard copy of each of the three scores files. Take a moment and and look over the distribution of scores in each file.

Question #10.1: If you were assigning grades, what letter grades would you assign for the scores in, and Assume the scores are out of a possible 100 points. Write your letter grades on the printouts.

Our current task is to write a function that computes the appropriate letter grades for the input scores, curving the grades as appropriate. This function needs a sequence of scores to process, and it must return a corresponding sequence of letter grades; we can specify what the function must do as follows:

receive: scoreVec, a vector of double values.
return: gradeVec, a vector of char values.

Since this function seems pretty tightly tied to this particular grading problem, we will define it locally, within grades.cpp.

Using this information, prototype computeLetterGrades() before the main function and define a stub following the main function. Since scoreVec is a class object that is received but not passed back, define it as a constant reference parameter.

There are various ways to curve the grades based on a collection of scores. We'll base it on the average and standard deviation of the scores:

Here is the algorithm:

  1. Receive scoreVec, a vector of scores.
  2. Define numValues, the number of values in the vector.
  3. Define gradeVec, a vector of characters the same length as scoreVec.
  4. If numValues > 0:
    1. Define avg, the average of the values.
    2. Define standardDev, the standard deviation of the values.
    3. Define F_CUT_OFF as avg - 1.5 * standardDev.
    4. Define D_CUT_OFF as avg - 0.5 * standardDev.
    5. Define C_CUT_OFF as avg + 0.5 * standardDev.
    6. Define B_CUT_OFF as avg + 1.5 * standardDev.
    7. For each index i of scoreVec:
      1. If scoreVeci < F_CUT_OFF:
            Set gradeVeci to 'F'.
        Else if scoreVeci < D_CUT_OFF:
            Set gradeVeci to 'D'.
        Else if scoreVeci < C_CUT_OFF:
            Set gradeVeci to 'C'.
        Else if scoreVeci < B_CUT_OFF:
            Set gradeVeci to 'B'.
            Set gradeVeci to 'A'.
        End if.
      End loop.
    End if.
  5. Return gradeVec.

Using the information above, complete the definition of computeLetterGrades(). Then compile what you have written to check for syntax errors.

Display the Names, Scores and Grades

The final operation is to display the information we have computed.

Design and write a function that, given an ostream, a vector of names, a vector of scores, and a vector of letter grades, displays these three vector objects in tabular form. For example, the output produced when is processed should appear something like the following:

Enter the name of the scores file:

Mean score: 75
Std. Dev: 11.1803

joan    55      F
joe     60      D
jane    60      D
jim     65      D
janet   70      C
john    70      C
johanna 75      C
jack    75      C
joeline 75      C
jacques 75      C
josh    80      C
janna   80      C
jason   85      B
jadzia  90      B
jon     90      B
jackie  95      A

If you find that you have logic errors in what you have written, use the debugger to find them.

Question #10.2: When or are processed using our curve, how do the curved grades compare with the grades you assigned?

Question #10.3: What have you learned about grading on the curve?


Turn in your answers to the questions in this exercise, a copy of your code, and a sample run of the program on at least the three provided data files.


element, iterator, sequence (of values), Standard Template Library, STL, subscript, template class, vector
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