Changes Made from the Second Printing to the Third

Appendix D






Between 1st and 2nd sentence

Insert new 2nd sentence

As noted in the text, the header files of these libraries have been renamed in standard C++ by prepending a c to their names and dropping the .h extension.


1st library heading

assert.h (OR cassert)

cassert (formerly assert.h)


2nd library heading

ctype.h (OR cctype)

cctype (formerly ctype.h)



Replace 2nd column

Returns lowercase equjivalent of c (if c is uppercase)

Returns uppercase equjivalent of c (if c is lowercase)


1st library heading

float.h (OR cfloat)

cfloat (formerly float.h)


2nd library heading

limits.h (OR climits)

climits (formerly limits.h)


3rd library heading

math.h (OR cmath)

cmath (formerly math.h)


Library heading

stdlib.h (OR cstdlib)

cstdlib (formerly stdlib.h)


Answers to Quick Quizzes






Quick Quiz 2.2: #13




Quick Quiz 2.2: #34




Quick Quiz 3.2: #11







Additions/Corrections to Index

algorithm library, 562

Standard Template Library (STL), 559, 562

ANSI/ISO C++ Standard Draft Working Paper — DELETED

Add valarrays to the See also list 14 lines from end of 3rd column

basic_ios, 217

basic_istream, 217

basic_ostream, 217

basic_string, 217

boolalpha manipulator, 226, 501

c_str() string operation, 470

cerr, 223, 468

cin, 9, 223, 468

clear(), 356, 491, 495, 499

clog, 223

Complex number, 647

Computing curricula 1991 Report — DELETED

const_cast, 80

cout, 5, 8, 9, 223, 468

C-style arrays

non-OOP approach, 537-38

array input — DELETED

array output — DELETED

object-oriented approach, 538-40

problems with, 537

data() string operator, 470

dec manipulator, 226, 501

dice4.cpp, 255-56

dynamic_cast, 80

Empty vector<string> — DELETED

endl manipulator, 109, 226, 501

erase(), 241, 566, 802-4

failuretime11.cpp, 360-61


fstream objects — DELETED

streams, 468-86, 491-504

File streams 468-86, 491-503

former entries undef fstream objects go here


requiring arguments, 502-3

without arguments, 501-2

peek(), 491, 497-99

putback(), 491, 499

seekg(), 491, 493-95

seekp(), 491, 497

setstate(), 491, 499-501

tellg(), 491, 496-97

tellp(), 491, 497

fstream, 105, 469

hex manipulator, 226, 501


Replace See also with See also file streams

internal manipulator, 226, 501

iomanip library, 111, 142

ios::eofbit, 491, 501

ios::failbit, 491, 501

iostream class, 105

iostream library, 5, 78-79, 111, 142, 501

istringstream class, 105

left maniuplator, 226, 501

lexical analysis, 497

lexical analyzer, 497


requiring arguments, 502-3

without arguments, 501-2

namespace, 33, 39, 418-19

noshowpoint manipulator, 226, 501

noshowpos manipulator, 226, 501

noskipws manipulator, 222, 226, 501

npos, 242-243 (replaces NPOS)

null character, 470

numeric library, 562-4

oct manipulator, 226, 501

ofstream objects

Replace See also with See also file streams

ostringstream class, 105

output expressions

output formatting, 111-14, 501-3

output manipulator, 224, 501-3

peek(), 491, 497-99

protected, 731

putback(), 491, 499

qualifying a name, 419

read position symbol — DELETED

reintrepret_cast, 80

remove()— DELETED

replace()— DELETED

right manipulator, 226, 501


of for-loop control variables, 1415-17

name conflicts, 417-18

objects declared outside all blocks, 414-15

seekg(), 491, 493-95

seekp(), 491, 497

setstate(), 491, 499-501

setfill() manipulator, 502

setprecision() manipulator, 502, 503

setstate(), 491, 499-501

setwidth() manipulator, 502, 503

showbase manipulator, 226, 501

showpoint manipulator, 226, 501

showpos manipulator, 226, 501

skipws manipulator, 222, 226, 501

sstream library, 231

static_cast, 80-81

std, 33

strings — DELETE

stringstream, 105, 231

tellg(), 491, 496-97

tellp(), 491, 497

Two-pass file processing

program — DELETE

type conversions, 75, 80-81

uppercase manipulator, 226, 501

using declaration, 419

using directive, 419

valarray, 538-40

vector, 538

wistream class, 217

wostream class, 217