Project 7

The Projects

Project #7.1: Write a program that will read a sequence of numbers from the keyboard, and display the minimum, maximum, average, and range of the entered values. Make the input step "fool-proof".

Project #7.2: Extend calculate.cpp into a six-function calculator, as follows:
  1. Add a factorial() operation that, given an integer n, computes n! = 1 * 2 * ... * (n-1) * n.
  2. Redesign Power() so that it handles negative exponents.

Project #7.3: Write (at least) two ASCII graphics functions:
  1. PrintStripe(n, ch); that displays n consecutive ch characters. (e.g., PrintStripe(5, 'X'); should display XXXXX.)
  2. PrintAlternating(n, ch1, ch2); that displays n consecutive pairs of the characters ch1ch2. (e.g., PrintAlternating(3, 'X', 'Y'); should display XYXYXY.)

Use these functions to write a program that draws a picture, such as a flag. For example, you might use these functions to draw a crude facsimile of the U.S. flag that looks like this:

 * * * * *
 * * * * *
 * * * * *
 * * * * *



Try and draw your picture efficiently (i.e., using loops to minimize the number of statements). Feel free to create additional "graphics" functions.

Project #7.4: Build a "police sketch artist" program as described in Project #4.1, but write a dynamic program that lets the user experiment with different combinations of facial parts in a single execution. Control the program using a loop. Start with a 'blank' face. Allow the user to modify this face using a two-level hierarchical menu, with the first level allowing the user to select which facial part they want to modify (i.e., a menu of menus), and the second level allowing the user to select from among the choices for that particular facial part.

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