Project 1


1. Practice designing a program.
2. Practice implementing a program design in C++.
3. Practice testing a program.


Your instructor may assign you one or more of the problems below. To solve it, follow the pattern in the lab exercise for designing and writing a program that reads the necessary information to compute and output the indicated values, as efficiently as possible. Also, test your program thoroughly.

The Projects

Note: In the following formulas, π is the symbol for "pi" on this browser.

Project #1.1: Write a program to input the radius of a circle and then compute its circumference and area. The formulas for these quantities are as follows:
circumference = 2πr
area = πr2
where r is the radius of the circle. Output, with appropriate labels, the radius, the circumference, and the area.

Project #1.2: Write a program to input the radius of the circular base and the height of a right circular cylinder and then compute its surface area and volume. The formulas for these quantities are as follows:

surface area = 2πrh
volume = π r2h
where r is the radius of the circular bases of the cylinder and h is its height. Output, with appropriate labels, the base radius, the height, the surface area, and the volume.

Project #1.3: Write a program to input the lengths of the two axes of an ellipse and the compute its circumference and area. The formulas for these quantities are as follows:

area = πab
where a and b are the lengths of the semi-major and semi-minor axes (halves of the axes) of the ellipse. Output, with appropriate labels, the major axis, the minor axis, the circumference, and the area.

Project #1.4: Write a program to to input the radius of a sphere and then compute its surface area and volume. The formulas for these quantities are as follows:
surface area = 4π r2
volume = (4/3)πr3
where r is the radius of the sphere. Output, with appropriate labels, the radius, the surface area, and the volume.

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