SQL is intergalactic data speak — i.e., it is the standard way for programmers to talk to databases. — attributed to M. Stonebraker

Chapter 2: The SQL Language: Be able to use SQL to do the following.

  1. Create a “Book” table with four columns:

    1. ISBN, of type VARCHAR(25) (a variant-length string of up to 25 characters)
    2. title, of type VARCHAR(50)
    3. author, of type VARCHAR(25)
    4. price, of type REAL (a real number)
  2. Load the Book table with a half-dozen sample book records.

  3. Consider the following SQL query.

    SELECT title
    FROM Book
    WHERE price < 50.00;
    1. Be able to explain what the query would return for the relational table you just built.
    2. Be able to modify the query to return all the columns.
    3. Be able to explain what the query would return for a book whose price is NULL (See the SQL Examples for a discussion of NULL values).

You can find additional basic SQL examples here: SQL Examples.